Friday, March 26, 2010

Spirit Cup Fundraiser

Starts Today!!!!!

Spirit Cups are 18 ounce, heavy plastic cups with a 3-D holographic design that are totally made in the USA. They are not flimsy paper, styrofoam, or plastic throw away cups. They are rigid and sturdy, not easily bendable, broken, or destroyed --- they will be useful for years to come. To keep their colors looking bright, they are DISHWASHER SAFE WHEN WASHED ON THE TOP SHELF.
Spirit Cups are recyclable and packed 4 cups to a set of the same team/service branch. Choose from your favorite professional Football Team, Baseball Team or Military Branch. 77 popular College Teams are also available.
Spirit Cups will be sold at $15.00 per set. Order forms will be going home with the students. All orders need to be prepaid. Because the actual cup is far more representative of the item than a picture, the company has provided us with samples at cost. Anyone who would like either a Red Sox or Patriots sample cup may purchase one for $2.00. This fundraiser will begin Friday, March 26, 2010. All orders must be turned in no later than Friday, April 16, 2010.
Just contact any of the PTO officers, Mary Woodcock, Ray Liimatainen, Lisa Duffy or Pam Alman for assistance. Contact info: or 978-943-6920.

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